Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is our favorite state so far! We liked it so much we stayed five days. =] Seriously, are they wearing those clothes again?!

Ummmm.... OK.


Iowa... land of the crazy suicidal pheasants! I think we still have pheasant guts on the van! EWWWWIE!

Mall of America... awesome little amusement park. Girls had tons of fun! First upside down roller coaster for both of them.

OK, so we see a sign that reads "Black River Falls" and we think how nice. We decide to hike to the top of the trail to see the river and waterfall. Well, Wisconsin people were messing with us because when we reached the end of the 1 mile trail (all up hill), there was no river. There was no waterfall. There was no indication that there had ever been any natural form of moisture in the area at all other than an occassional rain puddle. Oh well... it was pretty. =]

Thanks to the nice bikers that took our picture for us. When it was time to take their pictures, they wanted Amadeus in the picture with them. Random.

Lake Michigan... one state, three Great Lakes. Pretty cool!

Amadeus, you can't bite the waves!

Lake Michigan along the bottom of the Upper Penninsula. So pretty! Thanks, Steve, for the suggestion to drive along Rt. 2 into Wisconsin.

Special "thank you" to the nice

people in the Hiawatha National Forest Ranger Station for all the free stuff they gave the girls... water bottles, pens, pencils, activity books, stickers, etc. Everyone needs a collection of Smokey the Bear school supplies! :0)

Bike riding in the rain at Claire's house... Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.

Aiyanna and Sammi.

Tessa and Sammi.

Aiyanna, Claire, Sammi, Tessa, Cory, and Katie... picnic time!

Sammi! Isn't she cute? =]

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Our trip is off to a fantastic start! We've launched our quest to visit the 48 contiguous states. What better place to start than to dip our feet into the Great Lakes?! =]